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Research Fellow

The Mixed Methods Program at the University of Michigan is accepting applications for a postdoctoral research fellow position. 

The goal of this 2-year post-doctoral training position is to prepare future mixed methods research methodology researchers and leaders. Candidates should have a strong interest in becoming an applied research methodologists in social science and/or health sciences.


The postdoctoral training will include: 1) a mentor-based mixed methods research apprenticeship focused on empirical projects chosen in conjunction with mentors; 2) a professional development plan with the goal of becoming an independent investigator with skills in integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches; and 3) participation on existing grants utilizing mixed methods. Training experiences will include: grant preparation, project management, data collection and analysis, scientific presentations, professional skills development, career planning, and the ethical conduct of research. The trainee will have about 50-60% protected time (negotiable) and support for developing an area of the trainee's choosing. 

Find out more and apply at: https://careers.umich.edu/job_detail/259467/research-fellow

Position: Research Fellow
Organization: Mixed Methods Progarm at the University of Michigan
Location: Ann Arbor,  MI 
United States
Salary: The salary is consistent with the NIH pay scale for postdoctoral training.
Posting Start Date: 7/1/2025
Date Posted: 2/3/2025

Required Qualifications

  • Ph.D., M.D., or other terminal degree in social, health sciences or related field; 
  • Experience in research methodology; Strong quantitative skills; 
  • Strong qualitative skills; 
  • Experience/training in mixed methods research; 
  • Excellent oral and written communication abilities. 
  • Must be able to demonstrate professionalism, respectful communication, and a commitment to team-based work. 

Desired Qualifications

  • Methodological training and experience in mixed methods research; 
  • Evidence of research productivity and experience with grants and grant applications
  • Applicant will have a content area in the health or social sciences competitive for federal funding applications.
Status: This listing expires on: 4/4/2025
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Organization Information
Mixed Methods Progarm at the University of Michigan
1018 Fuller Street

Ann Arbor,  MI 48104
United States
Satoko Motohara