Jobs Details

Thank you for your interest in posting a job with the GADE Job Board. A posting on the GADE Job Board reaches thousands of social work scholars, students, faculty, and researchers on a weekly basis. Postings are viewed by hundreds of members and social work community through the GADE website and emailed to our membership. The GADE Job Board provides an opportunity to reach a diverse audience and open access to anyone interested in social work academic and industry careers, further expanding the reach of your job posting. In addition to being posted on the Job Board, postings will also be shared via the GADE News & Updates bi-weekly mailer.

Our current pricing structure is as follows:
  • Professional Job Posting (e.g., faculty, administrator, nonprofit, etc.): $100 for 60 days
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate/Fellowship: $0 (free) for 60 days

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