
All institutions with established social work/social welfare doctoral programs located in an accredited university or college that offers a Master’s Degree in Social Work (MSW) or Social Welfare that has been fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in the United States, Canadian Association of Social Work Educators (CASWE) in Canada, or a comparable national professional accrediting body in other countries, shall be eligible for full membership. Established programs are those in departments, schools, or colleges of social work/social welfare located at universities or colleges accredited by the appropriate regional accrediting body. Accredited colleges or universities that are developing a social work/social welfare doctoral program are eligible for affiliate membership status.
Each member institution will designate a representative/delegate, usually a director or chair of the institution’s doctoral program, who votes on behalf of the member institution and who will be the conduit of communication between GADE and the member institution.

Search current members of GADE.

Types of Membership

Full Membership: Institutions with doctoral programs in social work/social welfare that meet eligibility qualifications and that are currently in the payment of their dues are full members. Each full member institution will have one vote.
Affiliate Membership: Universities or colleges developing doctoral programs in social work/social welfare that meet membership qualifications and which are current in dues may become an affiliate, non-voting, members of GADE.

Benefits of Membership

  • Access to GADE resources and membership platform.
  • Attendance of the program director(s) at the GADE Annual Conference
  • Eligibility for faculty and students to apply and receive GADE Awards
  • Enrollment and participation in the GADE Members Listserv
  • Discount pricing to post positions on the GADE Job Board

Logo Use

Members current in their membership dues are eligible to display the GADE logo on their website and marketing materials per the License of Logo Use Policy.


Membership Dues

Membership dues help our organization to achieve our goals of promoting excellence in doctoral education through networking, information sharing, and advocacy. Memberships are renewed annually for the period of July 1 to June 30.